So, Yesterday was my 3yr wedding anniversary. Yes, 3 long years of wedded...bliss? Well they do say ignorance is bliss. We have probably dealt with more problems in those three years than most couples deal with in high school relationships and 20 yr marriages combined. But its cool. Neither of us really knew who the other was. Tho one of us was completely honest, the other didn't believe anyone would ever be that way..Stuff happens. I am glad that we stuck it out, and found ways to try to make it thru. And UBERglad those ways actually worked. I love my husband, with every fiber of my being, I truely hope that everyone can find this kind of relationship-it is Awesome. Hopefully Ill figure out how to post the slideshow I made him to this page :)
Christmas: So, santa will come. Granted, it will not nearly be what my kids are used to. And the simple fact that none of the presents under the tree are from "mom and dad" is pretty depressing. I have just explained that "our" christmas will be in a few days, and will be "uberawesome". Its important to me that my 5yr doesnt think Santa thinks any less of her. Her friends have more money and brag about what they get. Ugh this disguists me anyway, but I sure don't want my child to ever EVER thinking kids with more money are BETTER to santa and therefore get more and better things. She already has a "friend" like this. Its funny because tho normally I wouldnt condone it, since it is the truth, i can NOT correct her when she states "but mom, i really am cuter than brooklyn". Cuz,well, she really is. I also told her the next time the little girl says " i cant play with you cuz my mom doesnt like your mom", that Azlei can proudly say "No big, your mom is a total Meanie weinerton, and a dookiebubble" (these are her words so i really dont see a prob with it. lmao. Man I will be glad to get out of Fort Hood. And as far as a new unit YAY!...
I think this time, I will try from the beginning to be friendly, if people act the same way they did with this unit, squak on all of them. I get so tired of being nice to people-going OUT of my way to make them smile-just so they can be shitty to me. Fuck that.
MERRY CHRISTMASS BLOGSPHERE!!!!!!! Hope its Wonderiffic ;)
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