Since its mmmm about 230 in the morn, and Im OBVIOUSLY NOT going to sleep, I guess ill give you a lil more background or what-have-you. Maybe some 1/2 sentences or just whatever to give u the "jest" of my life??
Preggers at 17, married at 18, graduated high school, worked, back surgery at 18 for 4wheeler wreck at 13. Gave birth at 18(boy-Josh), Divorced at 19 or 20. (Back surgery in 96 after son's birth for herniated discs l4 & l5)Preg again at 20(diff guy) Gave birth at 21(girl-Kaleigh). Now living on my own. Working. Not a very good person (or parent I guess, tho they got everything they needed and were NEVER neglected or harmed). Years go on,Dad gets sick, find out he has terminal cancer. he dies 03. Had another back surgery(ruptured discs l5&s1)in 03 i think. 2004 get preggers wit youngest(not working). Give birth mar 05, start working, end up losing job because of tardiness(cant get there if no one is home to watch kids for me to leave..) move in wit J, kids stay wit my mom, totally sux. this is beginning of '07. get married end of '07, girls move in Js moms wit us, we move out pretty soon into apt, muvico shuts down...j joins army nov 08...basic, ait...we move to FoHo..he deploys and now we are pretty much current.
during this time we tried NUMEROUS times to get his boys, his bitchass exwife signed them over to her dad without ever consulting my husband. also the other son(that i mentioned before), we have tried numerous times to have contact with. the mother will not speak with either of us(especially me-i cant imagine why ;p), and my hubby has only spoken with the grandmother. it seems that the girls he choose to "procreate" with decided to give the products of their actions to their parents, despite the pleadings of the "father" of those "actions" to take them. Yes, we couldve hired a lawyer by now. Honestly, we have Not had the money. My hubby is in so much debt from the previous two bitches, Idk if we will ever get caught up. He did not let them be held accountable for ANYTHING during their relationships, so now it has all fallen on US. nice.
Anyways...prob one more "about me" should do it, and then youll get me..and then we shall just have fun!! about some poetry??
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